2024 Operators Expo Recap
2024 Award Recipients

2024 Award Recipients

The best of the best in the water and wastewater industry were honored at our annual Spring Conference. Each recipient was presented with their award at the Awards of Excellence Luncheon on Wednesday, March 13.

2023 Best Tasting Water in Indiana Named!

2023 Best Tasting Water in Indiana Named!

Fort Wayne City Utilities’ Water Named Best Tasting Water in Indiana during State Finals Competition!

Officials at the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water have found the best-tasting water in Indiana. On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, Fort Wayne City Utilities - Three Rivers Filtration Plant was announced as the winner of a state-wide competition to identify the tastiest rural water in the state

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

"NAW is a nationwide celebration where industry, labor, equity, workforce, education, and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship for re-building our economy, advancing racial and gender equity, and supporting underserved communities. NAW is an opportunity to highlight how Registered Apprenticeship, a proven and industry-driven training model, provides a critical talent pipeline that can help to address some of our nation’s pressing workforce challenges such as rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, addressing critical supply chain demands, supporting a clean energy workforce, modernizing our cybersecurity response, and responding to care economy issues."

During National Apprenticeship Week 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor will highlight the following key themes:

  • Monday, November 13: Registered Apprenticeship for Youth 
  • Tuesday, November 14: Registered Apprenticeship in New and Emerging Industries
  • Wednesday, November 15: Expanding Registered Apprenticeship to Underserved Populations
  • Thursday, November 16: Women in Registered Apprenticeship
  • Friday, November 17: Registered Apprenticeship for Veterans and Federal Employees

National Apprenticeship Week | Apprenticeship.gov

2023 Scholarship Golf Outing & Clay Shoot Events

2023 Scholarship Golf Outing & Clay Shoot Events

Golf Outing: Hawk's Tail Golf Course in Greenfield, IN; Clay Shoot: Ossian Conservation Club in Ossian, IN

This year's Scholarship Golf Outing was held on Thursday, September 14 in Greenfield, IN, and the Clay Shoot was held on Tuesday, October 17 in conjunction with the 2023 Fall Conference and took place in Ossian, IN.

2023 Fall Conference Recap

2023 Fall Conference Recap

Grand Wayne Convention Center - Fort Wayne, Indiana

The 2023 Fall Conference in Downtown Fort Wayne was a whirlwind of learning, networking, and fun! We hosted a total of 640 people at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

Kirkham IronTech Named as One of the Top 250 Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) Worldwide

New Locations for Vermeer Midwest in Bloomington, IN

Conference Attendee Wins Trip to 2023 NRWA WaterPro Conference!

Conference Attendee Wins Trip to 2023 NRWA WaterPro Conference!

The Alliance of Indiana Rural Water teamed up with sponsors Covalen and Midwestern Engineers, Inc. to give away an all inclusive trip for two to the 2023 National Rural Water Association’s WaterPro Conference in Aurora, Colorado!

2023 Leadership Summit Recap

2023 Leadership Summit Recap

Horizon Convention Center - Muncie, IN

This year's Leadership Summit was on July 19 & 20th in downtown Muncie, Indiana. 

2023 Operator Expos Recap

2023 Operator Expos Recap

Southern - Huntingburg, IN / Northern - Akron, IN

Thank you to all who participated in our Operator Expos! Our Southern Expo was held on Thursday, May 18, in Huntingburg, Indiana and our Northern Expo was held on Thursday, May 25 in Akron, Indiana. Between our demonstrators and operators, we had over 500 people in attendance at our Expos this year!


2024 Operators Expo Recap

Southern - Huntingburg, IN / Northern - Akron, IN

Our Southern and Northern Expos held last month were both big successes. Between our demonstrators and operators, over 500 people attended our Expos this year! The weather in Huntingburg and Akron was picture-perfect. Each day was filled with demos, contests, networking, and…eating! Thanks to our lunch sponsors, we piled our plates high with delicious food. Both events featured our 'famous' hog roast, which was graciously donated and cooked by Water Solutions Unlimited.


The Meter Toss, Backhoe Rodeos, and the Expoo Royal Flush contests provided chances to win cash and prizes, and didn't disappoint in the fun! 1st Place for each contest won $50 cash, and 2nd Place won an Alliance camping chair.  New this year in Huntingburg Was the Clamp Champ contest sponsored by Smyth-Blair.  The 1st place team won a tool bag loaded with gift cards, tools, and prizes, the 2nd place team won restaurant gift cards, and 3rd place team took home lotto tickets. 


The winners of the Regional Water Taste Test were chosen. Fort Wayne emerged victorious in the 2nd Regional Water Taste Test in Huntingburg, while the City of Connersville claimed the top spot in the 3rd Regional Water Taste Test in Akron. Their success is a testament to their commitment to quality and taste. We congratulate them and look forward to their participation in the Best Tasting Water in Indiana Contest, which will be held at the Grand Wayne Convention Center during our Fall Conference.



Huntingburg Meter Toss Winners:

  • Powder Puffs: 1st – Sarah Hartman of Alcoa, 2nd – Alisha Turnbow with IDEM
  • Young Bucks: 1st – Jeremy Wilson of Connersville, 2nd – Chase Crecelius of Patoka Lake
  • Grizzly Ol' Veterans: 1st – Mike Compton of Paoli, 2nd – Bob West of Jasonville


Huntingburg Backhoe Rodeo Winners:

1st – Jake Paterson, Town of Washington

2nd – Johnny Caldwell, City of Madison


Huntingburg Expoo Royal Flush Winners:

1st – Brady Cox, Pike Gibson Water

2nd – Jim Loyd, Town of Washington


Huntingburg Clamp Champ

1st - Andrew Bowden and Brad Elkins of Bloomington

2nd - Jeremy Wilson of Connersville and Darrel Brown of Salem

3rd - Darrel Brown and Anthony Tussey of Salem



Akron Meter Toss Winners:

  • Powder Puffs: 1st – Elisha Winters, American Pump, 2nd – Marcy Coe of Garrett
  • Young Bucks: 1st – Chuck Gavin, Town of Gavin, 2nd – RJ Meeks, Columbia City
  • Grizzly Ol' Veterans: 1st – Grant Kissel of IPW, 2nd – Rick Prater, Town of North Manchester


Akron Backhoe Rodeo Winners:

1st – Tom Rozell, Town of Warsaw

2nd – Nick Rausch, Town of Warsaw


Akron Expoo Royal Flush Winners:

1st – Dustin Forthey, Town of Warren

2nd – Damon Prater, Town of Roann

