Public Relations Resources
Brochures and Flyers
Educating your utility users will save your system money in the long run by keeping your water clean at the source. Mindful behavior in people’s homes and businesses will minimize costly repairs, upgrades, and increases in utility bills due to treatment requirements. The following ideas and brochures are a good place to start.
Pet Waste Brochure - This brochure is especially helpful for surface water systems. Citizens need to know the importance of cleaning up after their pets; waste can actually affect the public health more than your realize!
Boil Water Advisory Brochure - Do your customers know what to do if a boil water advisory is issued? With this brochure they will.
What Not To Flush -This is a great flyer for public utilities or for municipalities that have private septic tanks. Help protect your wastewater treatment plant, as well as public health and safety, by telling people what not to put down the toilet and drain!