Ultimate Meter Challenge by Zenner USA


Ultimate Meter Challenge by Zenner USA

Participate in the Ultimate Meter Challenge by Zenner USA at Spring Conference

This competition is to test and measure individuals; how quickly, totally, and accurately can they assemble a working meter. All parts will be assembled to the diagram given, meter will be tested for leaks, meter will be disassembled to ensure it was assembled properly and no parts are missing.

To facilitate many competitors, Zenner will be conducting a single elimination tournament, where the loser of each match-up is immediately eliminated from the tournament. Each winner will play another in the next round, until the final match-up, whose winner becomes the tournament champion.

Each individual competitor will be required to completely assemble a water meter commonly utilized by water utilities for residential customers. The faster build with zero leaks in each match up will be the winner and move on to next bracket.

When registering in advance, the competitor will be furnished with a meter kit prior to the event. This kit will contain a completely disassembled meter. In addition, random parts will be added to this kit. These random parts could/could not be related to the meter. Each kit will have the same extra parts, this will ensure that the competitor is thoroughly familiar with all parts of the meter he/she is assembling.

Contest Details

How To Enter

To enter the 2025 Ultimate Meter Challenge, please submit the online registration form HERE.

When registering in advance, a practice meter will be mailed to you at no cost. Participants can also register on-site at Spring Conference.


Register Now!





  • Grand Prize: $500 Gift Card and an all-inclusive trip to New Orleans, LA to compete in the Ultimate Water Meter Challenge Championship at WaterPro
  • 2nd Place: $300 Gift Card
  • 3rd Place: $100 Gift Card
  • All competitors receive t-shirt from Zenner.


Eligibility and other considerations

  • The contest is open to Spring Conference attendees who own or work at a utility (i.e. cities, municipalities, water districts, etc.) or State Rural Water Association employees (i.e. Circuit Riders, Energy Efficiency Technicians, etc.).
  • NRWA Employees, NRWA National Board Members as well as their immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, and children) and household members of employees, are not eligible to enter.
  • Entrants MUST be present in person at the AIRW Spring Conference to compete in the Ultimate Meter Challenge.




Wednesday, March 12

7:30am-4:00pm: Timed Trials of the Ultimate Meter Challenge in the Exhibit Hall

4:00pm-5:30pm: Top 16 Compete to Go Through to Finale


Thursday, March 13

7:30am-8:30am: Ultimate Meter Challenge Finale with Top 4 during breakfast in Windsor Ballroom


The Winner will automatically advance to the competition held at WaterPro for a chance to win a trip for two to Hawaii by winning the Ultimate Meter Challenge!

This event is sponsored by ZENNER USA and designed specifically for Water Professionals to test and measure how quickly, totally, and accurately an individual can assemble a working meter in a bracket tournament.