National Apprenticeship Week 2023

National Apprenticeship Week 2023



WHEREAS, National Apprenticeship Week is celebrating its 10th anniversary of raising awareness of the vital role Registered Apprenticeship plays as a proven and industry-driven training model and as a key strategy to improving job quality, and creating access to good-paying, family-sustaining jobs for all, starting with youth and young adults; and 


WHEREAS, AIRW recognizes the urgent need to prepare our students to address some of our nation’s pressing workforce challenges such as rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, addressing critical supply chain demands, supporting a clean energy workforce, modernizing our cybersecurity response, and responding to care economy issues; and 


WHEREAS, Registered Apprenticeship programs enable employers to develop and train their future workforce while offering career seeking students affordable pathways to high-paying, good, quality jobs; and 


WHEREAS, AIRW recognizes the role of Registered Apprenticeship in expanding opportunities in our workforce that are inclusive of individuals who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality, thus providing a path for all qualified individuals, including women, youth, people of color, rural and tribal communities, justice-involved individuals and individuals with disabilities, to become apprentices and contribute to America’s industries; and 


WHEREAS, AIRW recognizes the pivotal role educators, school counselors, and educational institutions serve in bringing awareness of Registered Apprenticeship opportunities to students and parents; and serving as training providers, sponsors, and intermediaries. 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kristin Bean, Executive Director of the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water call upon Indiana’s water and wastewater industry to recognize the value of Registered Apprenticeship, and to promote industry awareness and expansion during the 9th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week: November 13, 2023; through November 19, 2023.  




Kristin Bean 

Executive Director 

Alliance of Indiana Rural Water |



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