2025 Best Tasting Water in Indiana Competition

Thursday, November 21, 2024

2025 Best Tasting Water in Indiana Competition

Presented By Wessler Engineering

Regional Taste Test Schedule

1st Test: January 30 - Indianapolis @ Utility Leadership & Legislative Summit 

*City of Fort Wayne Utilities

2nd Test: March 13 - French Lick @ Spring Conference

3rd Test: May 15 – Huntingburg @ Southern Operator Expo 

4th Test: May 22 - Akron @ Northern Operator Expo


Systems may choose to compete in any of the regional competitions. Event registration is not required to submit a water sample. Submissions MUST NOT have any major violations of bacteriological testing or chemical monitoring for two years prior to the Taste Test.  Submissions MUST NOT include water that is purchased from another system. Register water at least 48 hours prior to the water taste test. Winners from each region will advance to compete in the “Best Tasting Water in Indiana” at our annual Fall Conference in Fort Wayne, IN.
(Regional winners will receive one free Fall Conference registration.)


Overall Winner of the "Best Tasting Water in Indiana" Competition receives:

1. Trip for one representative of the winning utility to complete in the NRWA Great American Water Taste Test in Washington DC including:

  • Roundtrip Airfare
  • Hotel Accommodations
  • Event Registration
  • Logoed polo/shirt for the DC Rally

2. Sign in your town (pending city/town approval), stating “Best Tasting Water in Indiana” with the current year 

3. News Release to your community and a write-up in The Hoosier Pipeline, our bi-annual Membership Magazine


Register Your Water Now!


Official Contest Rules 

1. Upon arrival at the taste test site, register your one-gallon sample. Samples will be stored by Alliance staff until the taste test. A representative from the system MUST be present during the contest.

2. It is preferable that you submit the one-gallon container of water, labeled with your system name on the bottom, in a glass container.

3. Store your sample on ice, in a small, labeled cooler. No large coolers will be accepted, as space is limited. All coolers will need to be retrieved after the contest. 

4. Systems submitting samples must be members of the Alliance and meet IDEM approval by having no violations of bacteriological testing or chemical monitoring for two years prior to the Taste Test. 

5. A panel of judges will be selected to rate samples based on taste, odor, and clarity.

2024 Spring Conference Recap

2024 Spring Conference Recap

French Lick Resort - French Lick, Indiana

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Spring Conference at the beautiful French Lick Resort in mid-March!

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

"NAW is a nationwide celebration where industry, labor, equity, workforce, education, and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship for re-building our economy, advancing racial and gender equity, and supporting underserved communities. NAW is an opportunity to highlight how Registered Apprenticeship, a proven and industry-driven training model, provides a critical talent pipeline that can help to address some of our nation’s pressing workforce challenges such as rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, addressing critical supply chain demands, supporting a clean energy workforce, modernizing our cybersecurity response, and responding to care economy issues."

During National Apprenticeship Week 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor will highlight the following key themes:

  • Monday, November 13: Registered Apprenticeship for Youth 
  • Tuesday, November 14: Registered Apprenticeship in New and Emerging Industries
  • Wednesday, November 15: Expanding Registered Apprenticeship to Underserved Populations
  • Thursday, November 16: Women in Registered Apprenticeship
  • Friday, November 17: Registered Apprenticeship for Veterans and Federal Employees

National Apprenticeship Week | Apprenticeship.gov

2023 Scholarship Golf Outing & Clay Shoot Events

2023 Scholarship Golf Outing & Clay Shoot Events

Golf Outing: Hawk's Tail Golf Course in Greenfield, IN; Clay Shoot: Ossian Conservation Club in Ossian, IN

This year's Scholarship Golf Outing was held on Thursday, September 14 in Greenfield, IN, and the Clay Shoot was held on Tuesday, October 17 in conjunction with the 2023 Fall Conference and took place in Ossian, IN.

2023 Fall Conference Recap

2023 Fall Conference Recap

Grand Wayne Convention Center - Fort Wayne, Indiana

The 2023 Fall Conference in Downtown Fort Wayne was a whirlwind of learning, networking, and fun! We hosted a total of 640 people at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

2023 Leadership Summit Recap

2023 Leadership Summit Recap

Horizon Convention Center - Muncie, IN

This year's Leadership Summit was on July 19 & 20th in downtown Muncie, Indiana.