Lead Inventory Technical Assistance Program
IFA Sponsored LITAP Program for Small Public Water Systems is Now Open!
Register for the LITAP Program HERE!
Environmental and public health concerns have brought the issue of lead contamination to the forefront of the water industry. These concerns have driven the mandate for all public water systems (PWS) to complete a lead service line inventory (LSLI). Recognizing the gravity of this issue, the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) has taken a proactive stance by launching the Lead Inventory Technical Assistance Program sponsoring the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water to assist Indiana PWS in completing this task. With this program, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water can offer FREE assistance to all PWS with less than 1000 service connections in meeting the requirements of the lead service line inventory mandate. The assistance is also available to all Non-transient, Non-Community Water Systems (NCNTWS). The Alliance has partnered with Arcadis on working with NTNCWS.
The Lead Inventory Technical Assistance Program, or LITAP, operates through a multi-faceted approach that aims to comprehensively address lead service line inventories:
Inventory Template Assistance: IDEM released a Lead Service Line Inventory Template that can be used to document the required information for the identification and validation of service lines. For PWS enrolled in LITAP, we can provide assistance in understanding and using the template, what is required on the template, how to document your data on the template, and how to submit the template to the portal.
- Data Collection and Analysis: Detailed data collection and analysis are fundamental to understanding what material your service lines consist of. The program assists in providing resources and assistance with evaluating the data you may currently have that could help to validate service line material. We are also able to help identify other sources where validation information could be found.
120Water Portal: IDEM has worked with 120Water to create an online database called the PWS Portal where all inventories will be submitted. The portal offers unique tools that could aid in the collection of data. The program provides training on the use of the portal, as well as assistance with connecting and uploading information to the portal.
- Expert Guidance: Recognizing that these inventories may first be looked at as overwhelming, the program connects communities with water experts to offer guidance on implementing effective validation strategies. The program provides assistance with understanding these requirements and getting answers to questions on the template, the portal, acceptable validation methods, and other questions on the LSLI requirements.
- FREE Trainings: The program provides multiple in person, hybrid, and online trainings that provide a review of the requirements, data collection, inventory management, the PWS Portal and identifying different types of material.
We recommend all PWS that meet the requirement of under 1000 service connections apply for more information on LITAP. There are several resources available that could help your community in meeting the deadline of October 16th, 2024. Don’t wait! Apply today for the FREE technical, on-site and remote assistance provided by LITAP.
Other LITAP Resources:
For More Information
Contact LITAP@inh2o.org for more information about assistance with LITAP.