The Alliance provides a variety of different types of training for water and wastewater operations specialists, managers, and board members. We conduct over 40 one day training sessions a year in various locations throughout Indiana - all are approved for continuing education units through IDEM. Some of our training sessions cover advanced / specialty topic and are dual certified for both water and wastewater hours. We also offer an online training option for those that can't get away or would rather work at their own pace to renew their license.
We provide free on-site technical assistance to water systems through the Circuit Rider Program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture RD. The Circuit Rider Program provides hands-on assistance to water systems through leak detection assistance, pipe and valve location, as well operational matters such as water treatment, testing, and emergency management. Circuit Riders can also assist with various reports and provide valuable information on water rates, loan and grant applications, and other managerial issues. To contact a Circuit Rider, please reach out to the Alliance Office at alliance@inh2o.org or 317-739-9394 and we can provide you information for your designated individual based on your location.
We provide free on-site technical assistance and training to small, rural and municipal wastewater systems across Indiana. Funded by USDA RD, our goals are to promote proper wastewater treatment, to increase the operational knowledge of system personnel, to increase the management skills and knowledge of board members and system personnel, to increase the professionalism of wastewater and system personnel, and to promote environmental stewardship across the state of Indiana. Please reach out to the Alliance Office at alliance@inh2o.org or 317-739-9394, and we can provide you information for your designated Wastewater Technican.
The EPA Specialist Programs aim to support rural communities in adhering to the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act. These federal programs provide committed personnel capable of delivering on-site support and resources for rural water and wastewater utilities. Similar to the aid offered by USDA Circuit Riders, the EPA programs specifically target disadvantaged, overburdened, or decentralized areas within the state, ensuring
that those in greatest need receive dedicated assistance.
The primary goal of the Energy Efficiency Program is to assist rural and small community water and wastewater utility systems in evaluating their energy needs, consumption and costs, as well as recommending measures to reduce energy consumption and identifying potential funding sources for improvements. We conduct free on-site energy assessments for rural and small community water and wastewater utility systems and make recommendations to those systems on how to retrofit the equipment and operate the system in the most energy efficient manner. Contact the Alliance Office at alliance@inh2o.org or 317-739-9394 to get your FREE Energy Assessment today!
Through funding by USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA), this program is designed to help prevent source water pollution through grassroots voluntary practices installed by producers at local levels. The goal of the program is to create local teams to collaborate in the development of rural source water protection plans that promote clean ground water. The Source Water Protection Plan (SWP) includes: A map outlining the impacted area; An inventory of potential contaminant sources; A definition of areas that match up with entities and organizations; A definition of voluntary measures that may be initiated; Identification of public education initiatives; and Identification of entities and resources that will facilitate implementation of the plan and its sustainability. To get help with your SWP or to get involved in your local source water protection efforts, contact the Alliance Office at alliance@inh2o.org or 317-739-9394.
Our nationally recognized training program was developed in response to the industry’s need to train the next generation of skilled workers and standardize training across the state of Indiana. Once an apprentice completes this 2 year program and passes an aptitude test given by the State of Indiana, he or she is considered a journey worker and can do tasks unsupervised, making this person employable as a Systems Operations Specialist in the Water / Wastewater Industry. Contact the Alliance Office at alliance@inh2o.org or 317-739-9394 to learn more about the program and get started today!