Alliance of Indiana Rural Water > Resources > Sourcewater Protection > Wellhead Phase II Resources
Sourcewater Protection

Wellhead Phase II Resources


Background, Deadlines, and Submittal Forms


Phase I of the Wellhead Protection Rule was creation and approval of a Wellhead Protection Plan. Phase II is an update of that plan. IDEM will notify you by letter two years in advance of your Phase II submittal deadline, which is based on community size and when Phase I was approved. The Phase II submittal needs to document any changes to your Wellhead Plan as well as parts of the plan that have been implemented. In most cases, completing the Phase II can be completed by a system. The Alliance’s Source Water Specialists are available to answer questions and assist as schedules allow. Find the Phase II submittal form here.


Phase II Guidance


IDEM information and guidance from their website

Alliance Phase II Guidance Sheet

Example Phase II completed by the Alliance

Local Wellhead Protection Ordinances Guidelines & Examples


Phase II Implementation Resources


Letter template for notification to Potential Sources of Contamination

Template for public notification of homeowners, leaseholders, and mineral rights owners within the Wellhead Protection Area

Indiana Map—use this easy GIS based mapping program to update your map of Potential Contaminant Sources

Implementation Funding

Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation District monthly Development E-Letter provides up-to-date funding and capacity building, resource information in a condensed and convenient format. Email to subscribe.

IDEM Watershed Specialist’s Funding Matrix

USDA Rural Utilities Service Grants and Loans

Rural Development’s State Environmental Coordinator periodically emails grant and funding opportunities. Contact Rochelle K. Owen to subscribe.



For additional information or assistance please contact:

Source Water Specialist: Toby Days,  888-937-4992